This Friday : The First Museum to Create a Five-Sense Visitor Experience

The National Portrait Gallery is one of my favourite galleries in London – quite an achievement when you consider how spoilt for choice I am. My perfect evening would be spent taking a tour around the gallery, followed by a stomach-taming meaty-sensation of a meal from Byron’s Burgers. So I’m super-excited that this Friday the NPG … Continue reading

Owning Books – The Shoreditch Way

Stumbled across this bookshelf today on the Etsy website. I don’t buy the claim that it’s ‘space saving’, because normal shelves in that space would hold far more literature, but I am charmed by it’s rustic Shoreditch-style appeal. It’s holding books and it’s not even trying. If it could speak it would be saying ‘Yer, I’m … Continue reading

Spontaneous Purchase Alert!

Last time I went shopping with my soon-to-be flatmate, I bought a pair of Karen Walker sunglasses. I’d never, ever, felt the need to spend more than five pounds on sunglasses before – given my nasty habit of accidently sitting on them (believe me when I say nothing can survive the weight of my enormous … Continue reading

District and Circle lines will be closed between Edgware Road and High Street Kensington…

I think I’ve finally lost it. It’s been a long time coming and we’ve had some false alarms. But the moment is here: I want to buy shit, no surprises there. I want to buy shit from TFL.  Yep, you heard me. Tansport. For. London. The tube people, the bus people, the makers of the … Continue reading

Liverpool’s Best Kept Secret…

Please be warned: reading this particular blog post might just change your life…. BREAKING NEWS!!! BIGGER THAN A WIKI-LEAKS SCANDAL!! EVEN BIGGER THAN REBEKHA BROOKS’ HAIR!!! Are you ready for this? Sure? OK:  London isn’t the centre of the world. I know, I know – I’m as shocked as you are. But wait until I tell you the really ground … Continue reading

Adapt or perish, now as ever, is nature’s inexorable imperative – H.G. Wells

This is the ‘Bioplastic Planter‘ from Bas Van Der Veer. It’s a plastic pot that will support a tree, or large plant, when you put it in the ground. The support helps the plant to grow without damage from the wind, and it also protects the plant from animals. It’s made from completely renewable bioplastics, which means that … Continue reading

Shed some light on this…

The first ever ‘Lighting Awards’ have taken place, as part of the WAN Awards 2011. The aim of the Lighting award is to  ‘showcase the best from within the international lighting industry’ by judging products on originality, form, special quality, sustainability and context. This is the winner of the ‘best lighting product’ award : Agatha (a.k.a ‘the lamp … Continue reading

If you were a typeface – what would it be?

Coulson MaCleod is an art business specialising in the design & production of ‘handmade, typography-based artwork printed onto natural and reclaimed materials’. They have just released a print in honour of Helvetica, available to buy for £59 (see featured image). As much as I love it, I can’t help thinking that they should have given a big ‘two fingers’ … Continue reading

“I don’t have a dishwasher, and I hate washing dishes”

I was going to start this post by saying: “‘Once Upon a time, a wise young lady needed to furnish her modestly small (but stylish) flat.” I was going to string out the fairytale theme for a paragraph or two, and come to the conclusion that H&M Home is my knight in interior-decorating armor… Only … Continue reading

Never judge a book by its cover…

But if you were going to, then these would be my favourite books: The Infernal Desire Machines of Doctor Hoffman, Angela Carter A Clockwork Orange, Anthony Burgess The Handmaids Tale, Margaret Atwood The Hearing Trumpet, Leonora Carrington Lolita, Vladimir Nabokov Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carol & Nights at the Circus, Angela Carter : … Continue reading